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Welcome to UCLCSSA API

Welcome to UCLCSSA API's documentation. UCLCSSA API is built using:


The UCLCSSA API documented here is version 1.0.0.

Source Code

Source code for UCLCSSA API available at UCLCSSA/API-Server.

Endpoint Documentation

A typical endpoint is documentated in the following format:

HTTP_METHOD /endpoint/address?query_parameter={}

Info regarding this endpoint. The HTTP_METHOD is one of GET, POST, PUT or DELETE, e.g. GET /posts. For query parameters, they are documented in the Query Parameter(s) section. If the method is POST, the requirements of the post body will be documented in Request Body section. If the endpoint requires authorization, it shall be specified as well (the tier of authorization required is either wechat-registered, uclapi-registered or none).

If the only required header is the Authorization header, it will be specified in the Authorization section explicitly and will not be placed in a separate Request Header(s) section.



Query Parameter(s):

Parameter Type Description Constraints Default Required
query_parameter int Some non-negative int. > 0 && <= 100 1 Yes

Request Body:

    keyA: string,
    nestedGroup: {
        xxx: int,
        yyy: int[]
Key Type Description Constraints Default Required
keyA string Hello World. Not empty. '' No int Hello World. >= 0 0 No
nestedGroup.yyy int[] Numbers. Length >= 0 [] Yes

Successful response

Info on successful response. The HTTP status code, as well as any response header and body shall be documented.

Status Code: 200 OK

Response Header(s):

Content-Type: application/vnd.uclcssa.v1+json

Response Body:

    "message": "cheers"

Failure response 1

Info on failure response. HTTP status code and response header(s) and body shall be documented as well.

Status Code: 403 Forbidden

Response Header(s):

Content-Type: application/vnd.uclcssa.v1+json

Response Body:

    "message": "Thou shall not pass."

Failure response 2
