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Authentication and Authorization


Most API endpoints are protected. Users are required to register in order to gain access to protected API endpoints.

Upon registration, the client side receives a uclcssaSessionKey which is used as the authorization bearer token. Any requests made to protected API endpoints must include the Authorization header and the uclcssaSessionKey as the token.

The uclcssaSessionKey serves to authenticate the user's identity, and is associated with WeChat and UCLAPI registration information to be authorized to use protected endpoints.

Authorization Header

The uclcssaSessionKey shall be passed in as a string, as the value of the Authorization header.


Logging out via /logout requires the Authorization header.

POST /logout HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.uclcssa.v1+json
Authorization: 936A185CAAA266BB9CBE981E9E05CB78CD732B0B3280EB944412BB6F8F8F07AF


UCLCSSA API utilizes a two-tiered registration system.

Registration Tiers

TIER 1: wechat-registered

The user needs to register via /register/wechat to gain wechat-registered status. Any WeChat-related functionality requires the user to have at minimum this registration tier.

TIER 2: uclapi-registered

The user needs to register via /register/uclapi to gain uclapi-registered status. Any UCL-related functionality requires the user to have this registration tier.


Each uclcssaSessionKey has an associated default validity period of 30 days.

If the user uses the uclcssaSessionKey often within the validity period, the key's validity period is automatically extended. That is, using the key extends its validity period.

If a uclcssaSessionKey is expired, it will be invalidated and the user must re-register with the API. The user's information (posts, profile information, etc.) will still be retained unless he/she requests to delete his/her associated information explicitly.

WeChat Registration

Tier 1 registration. Users who complete the WeChat registration process will be able to perform basic functionalities (such as forum interactions and posting) as well as WeChat-specific functionalities.

WeChat MiniProgram Login

See MiniProgram Login.

The WeChat client shall invoke wx.login() to obtain a temporary code, which shall be passed along to UCLCSSA API.

POST /register/wechat



Request Body:

    appId: string,
    appSecret: string,
    code: string
Key Type Description Constraints Default Required
appId string Obtained from WeChat client. N/A N/A Yes
appSecret string Obtained from WeChat client. N/A N/A Yes
code string Obtained from WeChat client. N/A N/A Yes


Successful registration.

Status Code: 200 OK

Response Body:

    "uclcssaSessionKey": "UCLCSSASESSIONKEY"
Key Type Description
uclcssaSessionKey string Key representing a user session.

Missing required key(s)

Status Code: 400 Bad Request

Response Body:

    "error": "@bad-request/missing-required-keys"

Failed to authenticate via WeChat

Status Code: 401 Unauthorized

Response Body:

    "error": "@unauthorized/failed-wechat-authentication"

UCLAPI Registration

Tier 2 registration. Users who upgrade to the uclapi-registered tier must already have the wechat-registered tier, that is, already registered through WeChat.

The user may begin registering for UCLAPI by calling /register/uclapi. Note that a valid uclcssaSessionKey is required.

POST /register/uclapi



Request body:

    email: string
Key Type Description Constraints Default Required
email string Email to send confirmation to. Valid email address. N/A Yes


Successful request. A confirmation email will be sent to the specified address.

Status Code: 200 OK

Missing required email

Status Code: 400 Bad Request

Response Body:

    "error": "@bad-request/missing-required-keys"

Invalid email address

Status Code: 400 Bad Request

Response Body:

    "error": "@bad-request/invalid-email"

Missing Authorization header

Missing Authorization header.

Status Code: 403 Forbidden

Response Body:

    "error": "@forbidden/missing-authorization-header"

The email does not necessarily have to be an UCL email, since the user will have to login through their UCL credentials anyway. Also note that uclcssaSessionKey here is only valid if the user has previously registered through the WeChat registration process.

The API will send a registration email to the user, containing a link to the GET /authorize/uclapi endpoint. Each uclapiRegistrationCode is issued to track UCLAPI registration process, with each uclapiRegistrationCode being valid for 30 minutes.

GET /authorize/uclapi?uclapiRegistrationCode=...



Query Parameters(s):

Parameter Type Description Required
uclapiRegistrationCode string A registration code issued by the API to track registration process. Yes

Cache control

To protect users, any requests made to this endpoint must not be cached by the client.

The API will return a set of headers requiring the client to invalidate any caches of this GET request, which the client shall respect:

HTTP/1.1 301 Redirect
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0

Redirect to UCLAPI

Redirects the user to UCLAPI's endpoint, with query parameters:

  • client_id as provided by API
  • state being the user's WeChat openId for tracking.

Status Code: 301 Redirect

Response Header(s):


Missing uclapiRegistrationCode

Status Code: 400 Bad Request

Response Body:

    "error": "@bad-request/missing-required-query-parameters"

Invalid uclapiRegistrationCode

The user's uclapiRegistrationCode may be expired or invalid.

Status Code: 401 Unauthorized

Response Body:

    "error": "@unauthorized/invalid-uclapi-registration-code"

If the user agrees to authorize UCLCSSA API to retrieve his/her information on his/her behalf by loggin in through the user's UCL credentials, UCLAPI will call the provided callback URL at GET /authorize/uclapi/callback.

GET /authorize/uclapi/callback?client_id=...&state=...&result=...&code=...

This endpoint only serves to interface with UCLAPI. Clients may not use this endpoint. UCLAPI is whitelisted as origin. See UCLAPI OAuth#meta.



Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description Required
client_id string UCLCSSA API client_id. Yes
state string User's WeChat openId. Yes
client_secret string UCLCSSA API client_secret Yes*
code string Voucher to obtain uclapiToken. Yes*

* If user denies authorization, client_secret and code will be missing. However, since this endpoint interfaces with UCLAPI, it returns 200 OK to recognize that the callback endpoint is in fact successfully invoked.

Callback URL invoked

Status Code: 200 OK

Logging Out

A user may choose to terminate his/her session. This can be achieved by invalidating his/her session. After logging out, the user's associated WeChat sessionKey and UCL API token are both nullified.

POST /logout


wechat-registered OR uclapi-registered


Status Code: 200 OK

Missing Authorization header

Missing Authorization header.

Status Code: 403 Forbidden

Response Body:

    "error": "@forbidden/missing-authorization-header"

Invalid uclcssaSessionKey

The provided uclcssaSessionKey does not exist in records. It may be invalid or expired.

Status Code: 401 Unauthorized

Response Body:

    "error": "@unauthorized/invalid-uclcssa-session-key"


POST /logout HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.uclcssa.v1+json
Authorization: 936A185CAAA266BB9CBE981E9E05CB78CD732B0B3280EB944412BB6F8F8F07AF

The Authorization header and a valid uclcssaSessionKey is required so the API can find a matching user session.