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The current API version is 1.0.0.

Versioning Scheme

UCLCSSA API is versioned via semver 2.0.0.

The API version is {MAJOR}.{MINOR}.{PATCH}. When changes are made,

  • {MAJOR} version is incremented when a breaking change is made.
  • {MINOR} version is incremented when backwards-compatible functionality is added.
  • {PATCH} version is incremented when backwards-compatible bug fixes are made.

Versioning in Requests

Versioning of UCLCSSA API is achieved through custom media types. In requests, only the MAJOR version should be specified, with v prepended to the MAJOR version (i.e. v1).

Custom version information can be added to Accept header when a request is made.

Media Types

All UCLCSSA API media types are formatted as:


With [...] specifying an optional media type information subpart.

  • If [+return_format] is omitted, the return format defaults to JSON.

  • If [.version] is omitted, the request by default is delegated to the latest API version, which is v1.

Specifying API Version in Requests

All requests made to UCLCSSA API should include specify API version. This protects clients from breaking changes, as omitting version information causes the request to be delegated to the latest API version which may contain breaking changes.

Typical Request

A typical request may look like:

GET /posts HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.uclcssa.v1+json

Versioning in Responses

All responses returned from UCLCSSA API will include the Content-Type header, which will include the custom media type with version information and payload format. Hence, all endpoints will omit the Content-Type header.


If a endpoint does not specify a Content-Type in its documentation, it shall be assumed to be exactly application/vnd.uclcssa.v1+json.

Typical Responses

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.uclcssa.v1+json
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/vnd.uclcssa.v1+json

    "error": "@bad-request/missing-authorization-header"